laEngineNotFoundErr = -7000; { can't find the engine }
laPropertyErr = -7001; { Error in properties }
laPropertyNotFoundErr = -7002; { can't find the property }
laPropertyIsReadOnlyErr = -7003; { the property is read only }
laPropertyUnknownErr = -7004; { the property is unknown to this environment }
laPropertyValueErr = -7005; { Invalid property value }
laDictionaryTooManyErr = -7006; { too many dictionaries }
laDictionaryUnknownErr = -7007; { can't use this dictionary with this environment }
laDictionaryNotOpenedErr = -7008; { the dictionary is not opened }
laTextOverFlowErr = -7009; { text is too long }
laFailAnalysisErr = -7010; { analysis failed }
laNoMoreMorphemeErr = -7011; { nothing to read }
Handling Context
FUNCTION LAOpenContext(environ: LAEnvironmentLocaleObjectRef; VAR context: LAContextRef; VAR specificErr: OSStatus; VAR which: AERecord): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LACloseContext(context: LAContextRef): OSStatus; C;
Handling Environment
FUNCTION LAGetEnvironmentProperty(environment: LAEnvironmentLocaleObjectRef; propertyKey: LAPropertyKey; desiredType: LAPropertyType; maxSize: ByteCount; VAR actualType: LAPropertyType; VAR actualSize: ByteCount; value: LogicalAddress): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LASetEnvironmentProperty(environment: LAEnvironmentLocaleObjectRef; propertyKey: LAPropertyKey; propertyType: LAPropertyType; valueSize: ByteCount; value: ConstLogicalAddress; VAR specificErr: OSStatus): OSStatus; C;
Handling dictionries
FUNCTION LAOpenDictionary(environ: LAEnvironmentLocaleObjectRef; dictionaryID: DCMDictionaryID; VAR dictionaryProperty: AERecord): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LACloseDictionary(environ: LAEnvironmentLocaleObjectRef; dictionary: DCMDictionaryID): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LAListAvailableDictionary(environ: LAEnvironmentLocaleObjectRef; maxCount: ItemCount; VAR actualCount: ItemCount; VAR dictionaryList: DCMDictionaryID): OSStatus; C;
Analyzing text
FUNCTION LAMorphemeAnalysis(context: LAContextRef; text: ConstTextObject; VAR leadingPath: LAMorphemePath; VAR trailingPath: LAMorphemePath; pathCount: ItemCount; VAR result: LAMorphemeBundle): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LAContinuousMorphemeAnalysis(context: LAContextRef; text: ConstTextObject; incrementalText: BOOLEAN; VAR leadingPath: LAMorphemePath; VAR trailingPath: LAMorphemePath; VAR modified: BOOLEAN): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LAGetMorphemes(context: LAContextRef; VAR result: LAMorphemePath): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LAShiftMorphemes(context: LAContextRef; morphemeCount: ItemCount; VAR path: LAMorphemePath; VAR byteCount: ByteCount): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LAResetAnalysis(context: LAContextRef): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LAGetAllHomographs(context: LAContextRef; {CONST}VAR path: LAMorphemePath; morphemeOffset: LAItemOffset; VAR morpheme: LAMorpheme): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LAGetRootForm(context: LAContextRef; {CONST}VAR path: LAMorphemePath; morphemeOffset: LAItemOffset; VAR rootForm: LAMorphemePath): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION LAFeedbackPath(context: LAContextRef; path: LAMorphemePath; startingPosition: LAItemOffset; morphemeCount: ItemCount; VAR feedbackType: LAFeedbackType; confirmed: BOOLEAN): OSStatus; C;
TextObject interface
FUNCTION LAAnnotateTextObjectWithMorpheme(analysisClass: Str255; tagCount: ItemCount; VAR tags: DCMFieldTag; text: TextObject): OSStatus; C;